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Glenn Eure:

Artful Rogue of the Outer Banks

Author: Pat Eure

Illustrator: Glenn Eure

12" high x 9" wide; 184 pages + illustrated end leaves + hardcover; full-color illustrations throughout.



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     Glenn Eure (1931-2018), owner of Glenn Eure’s Ghost Fleet Gallery in Nags Head, North Carolina for more than 30 years, was a prolific, immensely talented artist and an Outer Banks Legend. 

    Glenn Eure, Artful Rogue of the Outer Banks is a volume as rich and colorful as the man it represents, a hardcover   compendium of the artist’s many genres. This substantial volume has vibrant images throughout, with Glenn’s iconic ink sketches on the flyleaves. Glenn’s wife, Pat Eure, is the book’s author, and her thoughtful prose and graceful poetry elevate the book to literary status as well. The enduring solidity of Glenn and Pat’s partnership—both in life and business—is reflected in their collaboration on this lovely project.


     I have often thought that my husband is more an experience than a solid thing. Certainly any world is too big to hold in your mind at one time. It would seem a single island might fit more easily, but it really doesn’t. You breathe it in for a minute, or a succession of minutes, and come to understand, without realizing it at the time or for most of a lifetime actually, that you have experienced its beauty completely, still possessing nothing of it.

     ~excerpted from Pat Eure’s Prologue

A Boat Named Zeus

Whose Boat is This Boat?

This Boat is Captain Johnny's Boat!

Author: Banks (“Stardom Outer Banks,” an English Setter; illustrated and translated by Linda L. Lauby)

9" high x 10" wide; 36 pages + illustrated end leaves + hardcover; full-color illustrations throughout.



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     Banks’s synopsis: In September 2018, Hurricane Florence made landfall just south of Wrightsville Beach near Wilmington, North Carolina, causing flooding more than 80 miles along the coast. Highways and roads were under water, and almost a million homes lost power.

     Among the many pictures taken in the storm’s aftermath was an AP image of a sailboat that had landed in the back yard of a home in New Bern. Soon, that photo appeared in newsfeeds around the world. “Whose boat is this boat?” asked President Trump, who joked to the homeowners, “At least you got a nice boat out of the deal.”

     But that’s not quite right. That boat was someone’s home and was well loved by someone who spent a long time renovating it. How do I know this? Why, because that boat belongs to my friend Captain Johnny O’Brien. 

     Stephen Colbert and The Late Show staff published a book called Whose Boat Is This Boat? Comments That Don’t Help in the Aftermath of a Hurricane. It’s wonderful that they’ve written a book about this errant boat, but just like Paul Harvey, I feel the need to tell The Rest of the Story.

     Dogs and boats: we have a great uncommon commonality, which is  revealed in my book. I’ve included all the elements of a good sea narrative: a captain, a boat, a voyage and an epic storm, followed by loss and – we hope – redemption. This seafaring tale is nonfiction, except for the obvious parts that I’ve fabricated. For example, I may or may not be a literary dog who can spin a believable yarn. That’s for you to decide.

     If you ever hear someone ask, “Whose boat is this boat?” you can answer: “This boat is Captain Johnny’s boat!” Let me tell you that it’s a supreme honor to be able to share the story of a boat named Zeus.

The Ultimate Great Lakes Adventure

One Man’s Epic 2,030-Mile Journey Through the Great Lakes

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Author: Scott Voelker

8.25" high x 10.25" wide; 176 pages + illustrated endleaves + hardcover with dust jacket; full-color photos throughout



     The Ultimate Great Lakes Adventure is the story and pictorial of Scott Voelker’s quest to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer research through an epic journey. In 2017, he rode his waverunner through all five Great Lakes, traveling 2,030 miles while forging friendships and capturing stunning images along the way. Through this book, you can ride along on Scott’s great adventure while contributing to the AutoNation Cure Bowl, which supports the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.


     It takes someone with courage and tremendous grit to take a dream and make it a reality. Scott’s vision using this adventure as a tool to raise money for cancer research is our shared vision. With the inspiration of people like Scott, the Orlando Sports Foundation AutoNation Cure Bowl team has raised over $3.55 million since 2015.

     ~Alan Gooch, Executive Director of the Orlando Sports Foundation, CEO of the AutoNation Cure Bowl

Creatures of Imagination

A Journal of Discovery

Author: Carol Willett

10” high x 11.25” wide; 104 pages + softcover with 5” flaps; full-color photos and art throughout.



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     From the lively field notes of intrepid 19th-century naturalist and sculptor Gwendolyn Remington-Burke, B.Dr. (Dragonology), emerge entertaining profiles and enchanting images of her post-Darwinian discoveries around the globe and under the seas.      

     Using cloth and papier-mâché, as well as found materials indigenous to each creature’s habitat, Remington-Burke re-creates a zoo of creatures that have never been seen by other humans until now.

     Professor Gwendolyn Remington-Burke is an alter ego of amateur naturalist and global traveler Carol Willett, who escaped to the Outer Banks of North Carolina after thirty-five years as a military officer, government executive and entertaining university professor. Carol sculpts in a seventeen-sided house by the sea, which she shares with her husband, Richard, and a menagerie known as Creatures of Imagination. This journal profiles a few of those creatures. It is a major body of work for a self-taught artist.

An Artist's

Way of the Cross

A Work of Art, A Labor of Love 

Author: Pat Eure

11” high x 8.5" wide; 88 pages + illustrated endleaves + hardcover; full-color photos and illustrations throughout




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     From the lively field notes of intrepid 19th-century naturalist and sculptor Gwendolyn Remington-Burke, B.Dr. (Dragonology), emerge entertaining profiles and enchanting images of her post-Darwinian discoveries around the globe and under the seas.      

     Using cloth and papier-mâché, as well as found materials indigenous to each creature’s habitat, Remington-Burke re-creates a zoo of creatures that have never been seen by other humans until now.

     Professor Gwendolyn Remington-Burke is an alter ego of amateur naturalist and global traveler Carol Willett, who escaped to the Outer Banks of North Carolina after thirty-five years as a military officer, government executive and entertaining university professor. Carol sculpts in a seventeen-sided house by the sea, which she shares with her husband, Richard, and a menagerie known as Creatures of Imagination. This journal profiles a few of those creatures. It is a major body of work for a self-taught artist.

All in Good Time

Life Stories Built From Southern Roots

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Author: Lane Aldridge

Kindle e-book or print-on-demand paperback, both through








     Every now and then, a book comes along that is so rich, so vivid in its description of characters and setting, that it transports you to another time and place, leaving you with the odd feeling you’ve somehow been an active part of that writer’s journey and experiences. There are a handful of writers who have accomplished this, and now, with All in Good Time, Lane Aldridge can be added to that group of authors who enrich our lives simply by virtue of sharing theirs. I have both read and listened to the essays in this volume. Many I have listened to and/or read multiple times, for the sheer enjoyment of them. And whether I closed the book, or turned off the audio, I’ve consistently walked away with the word rich ringing in my mind. The characters are rich. The language Aldridge uses is rich. The experiences themselves are rich.

     When one thinks about what traits all the best Southern writers share, certain elements come to mind. Among them is a celebration of eccentricity, a sense of humor in the face of adversity, and an enduring and unbreakable connection to both family and place. Well, in this collection of essays about growing up in the South, Aldridge delivers on all counts.Whether you are reading about the terror of Christmas Eve when twelve-year-old Aldridge is hiding in a bathtub with her mother while a crazed townsperson is trying to shoot the door open, or laughing over Grandma Aldridge’s unique take on cats, and Daddy’s interesting way of cussing, each story leaves you with such a rich (there’s that word again) understanding of the South in the years before the advent of cell phones and Internet.

     Each one of Aldridge’s stories, whether humorous or profound (and many are both), is filled with language that reads with a cadence, a rhythm, and with such command of the nuances of language, that whether you are hearing or reading them, you are left with the feeling that you’ve just sat around one of those big, round Southern kitchen tables and listened to her spin you a tale about growing up.

     I can’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon and evening.

     ~ Debra Sanders, author of the bestselling memoir A Matter of Panache.

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